
Home Module Structure of a Leaf

Structure of a Leaf


A leaf is the structure responsible for photosynthesis in plants. The main parts of a leaf are the blade, petiole, midrib, vein and small netted vein.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the structure of a leaf.
- Identify and label the parts of the leaf.

Keywords Leaf , Plant Organs , Photosynthesis , Petiole , Midrib , Blade , Veins , Small Netted Vein
Controller Required Yes
Languages English - US , 中文 , عربي , Español , Tiếng Việt , मराठी
Domain K-12
Topic Code MS100087
Devices Google Cardboard with controller , Google Daydream , Samsung Gear VR , Oculus Go , Pico Goblin , EduPro , WebXR , Oculus Quest